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Over 400 Pakistani researchers published papers in clone journal


  • 400 Pakistani specialists have distributed 150 phony papers in a clone diary starting around 2019.
  • Clone diary's name is: 'Global Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity.
  • Term clone diary alludes to the unacceptable diary that duplicates the name of a respectable diary.
Beginning around 2019, around 150 phony exploration papers have been distributed by more than 400 Pakistani researchers and scholastics having a place with different public and private area colleges in a clone diary named 'Global Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity (JDBC).

The term clone diary alludes to an inadequate diary that duplicates the name of a legitimate diary.

On account of the IJDRBC, a few creators obviously intentionally presented their papers to the clone diary, which is clear from the way that a solitary issue of the diary has conveyed from four to five papers delivered by similar creators, which is something that a trustworthy diary could never permit.

A few different scholastics may have been hoodwinked by the clone diary. In any case, assuming they were misled, the onus somewhat likewise lies on them as they ought to have checked the legitimacy of the diary on the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan's (HEC) Journal Recognition System (HJRS).

On the HJRS site, specialists can without much of a stretch check the realness of any diary by entering its name or the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). Assuming there is a section of the diary in the HJRS, the site shows subtleties of the diary-like its name, classification, name of the distributor, and regardless of whether it has been ordered by two respectable worldwide organizations, Scopus and Web of Science.

On account of the clone IJDRBC, the name of the distributer referenced on the HJRS site is unique about the distributer referenced on the site of the clone diary.

Deception trick

According to the site of the first IJDRBC diary, the IJDRBC was at first distributed by the Science and Engineering Research Support Society (SERSC) situated in Australia however in January 2019, another Australian-based distributor, specifically NADIA, obtained the diary from the SERSC.

As shown by the NADIA site, the chief in-top of the IJDRBC is Snjezana Knezic from the University of Split, Croatia. The diary is at present distributed twice per year both on the web and on paper design. Its International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the print is 2005-4289 and for online is 2207-6425.

Notwithstanding, curiously, the old distributor of the diary, SERSC, has still not eliminated the name of the JDBC from its site. The SERSC site actually asserts that the IJDRBC is its diary, which it distributes consistently. If notwithstanding the securing of the IJDRBC by NADIA, the SERSC is additionally professing to distribute it, it implies the SERSC's variant of IJDBRC is a clone diary.

The SERSC site keeps up with that the ISSN number of the print adaptation of the IJDRBC is 2005-4289. It is a similar number referenced on the NADIA site. Since the two diaries are distributed by various distributors, they can't have a similar ISSN, which shows that the SERSC is deluding the scholastics by utilizing the ISSN of a diary that it once claimed.

The internet-based ISSN of the SERSC's IJDBRC is 2207-8363, which is unique to NADIA's 2207-6425. Apparently, the SERSC is just distributing the clone diary on the web.

HEC’s fault

To see if the HEC perceives the two diaries, The News attempted to confirm them on the HJRS site through their ISSN numbers. The HJRS didn't confirm the web-based ISSN of the SERSC. Concerning the print ISSN, the HJRS specifies that the distributor of the IJDRBC is NADIA, not the SERSC.

Be that as it may, everything appears to be not well with the HJRS data set. The News observed that the HJRS perceives the IJDRBC possessed by NADIA in the Y class. Curiously, the HJRS additionally expresses that the IJDRBC is recorded by the Web of Science, which is an esteemed ordering organization. Alongside Scopus, Web of Science is one of the main two ordering organizations perceived by the HEC.

Notwithstanding, The News saw that NADIA has not asserted on its site that the Web of Science had listed its diary. After checking the Web of Science site, it was observed that it had not listed the IJDRBC, and that implies that the data on the HJRS site wasn't right. The individuals who made the HJRS information base blundered essentially in making the section of the JDBC.

Multiple papers

In the web-based form of the clone IJDBRC accessible on the SERSC site, it was observed that various Pakistani creators have distributed numerous papers in a solitary issue of the diary. For instance, Liaquat Ali Chandio of the Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, both as a solitary creator and with different creators, has distributed an aggregate of four papers in the December 2021 issue of the diary.

In a similar issue, Prof Dr. Qamar Afaq Qureshi of the Gomal University has distributed three papers. Dr. Taseer Salahuddin, a speaker at the National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Multan Campus, with others has delivered two papers.

The Pakistan Procurement Authority lawful chief general has additionally distributed a paper in the clone diary. These are only a couple of individuals who have purposely or accidentally presented their papers in the clone IJDRBC as around 400 different Pakistani scholastics and analysts have delivered more than 150 papers in the clone diary. They have a place with the Bahria University, Riphah University, University of Peshawar, University of Sargodha, Punjab University, Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar, Islamic International University Islamabad, University of Swat, University of Sindh, and others. The perusers can track down their papers on the website.

HEC's response

In October 2021, The News distributed a story named 'Deceitful examination flourishing in Pakistan because of HEC's indifference', wherein it talked about the way that the HEC had not made a move against false exploration in the country.

In light of the story, the commission sent a composed reaction, in which it said, "HEC just supports those worldwide diaries which are recorded with Scopus and Web of Science that is all around presumed global ordering organizations". Notwithstanding, the HJRS has supported the first IJDRBC that has not been filed by Scopus and Web of Science.

In the October 2021 story, The News additionally raised the issue of clone diaries, to which the HEC answered that it was researching the way that two distributors could guarantee the responsibility for a diary with a similar ISSN.

At the point when The News informed the HEC media relations office about the clone IJDRBC, the representative couldn't remark and said that he would advance the inquiry to the significant office and in the wake of getting a composed reaction from them, he would illuminate The News.


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