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JCP approves nomination of Justice Ayesha as SC judge


JCP approves nomination of Justice Ayesha as SC judge

  • After her arrangement, she will be the principal female Supreme Court judge in the legal history of Pakistan.
  • Five out of nine individuals from the JCP support the arrangement of Justice Ayesha Malik to the Supreme Court.
  • Recently, PBC notices strike, totally blacklist courts.

ISLAMABAD: The Judicial Commission of Pakistan (JCP) on Thursday supported the designation of Justice Ayesha Malik for her arrangement as the Supreme Court judge with a vote of five to four.

She will be the principal female Supreme Court judge in the legal history of Pakistan whenever delegated.

The last endorsement in regards to the arrangement of Justice Ayesha Malik had been shipped off the Parliamentary Committee on Judges.

A gathering of the JCP was held today under the chairmanship of Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Justice Gulzar Ahmed, during which five out of nine individuals from the commission upheld the arrangement of Justice Ayesha Malik to the Supreme Court.

CJP Gulzar Ahmed, Justice Umar Ata Bandial, resigned judge Sarmad Jalal Osmani, Attorney General of Pakistan Khalid Jawed Khan, and Law Minister Dr. Farogh Naseem embraced her designation.

In the meantime, Justice Qazi Faez Isa, Justice Maqbool Baqar, Justice Sardar Tariq Masood, and PBC delegate Akhtar Hussain went against her designation.

It is relevant to make reference to here that Justice Ayesha Malik is positioned fourth in the Lahore High Court as far as status.

The Pakistan Bar Council had proclaimed a negative mark against the arrangement of Justice Ayesha Malik.

Out of the 17 adjudicators selected in the Supreme Court, Justice Ayesha Malik has been designated for the seat which became empty after the retirement of Justice Mushir Alam on August 17.

Boss Justice of Pakistan and Chief Justice Lahore High Court had proposed the name of Justice Ayesha Malik, to which Justice Ayesha additionally concurred recorded as a hard copy.


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